Picking up where we left off in the Spring, Pastor Jon will again be teaching, “Flowing in the Supernatural” Wednesday nights at 6:30 starting Sep. 11.

When God speaks to us we need to be able to recognize His voice and obey. When God gives us gifts we need to understand what they are and how they work. When we can do those things, we are able to flow in His timing, in the direction He wants to go, and accomplish things for His Kingdom.

If Jesus came and did all that he was going to do, gave us the Holy Spirit, and said, “Well, they’re not going to use it anyway. Never mind.” then it was a complete waste. If we’re not flowing with His Spirit then we’re just playing lip games. Matthew 15:8-9

This class is about how we can actually put this all into motion. If you didn’t attend the previous sessions you are still more than welcome to join this class. Contact the church office with questions.



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