The 17th annual RVCC garage giveaway is Saturday, September 7 from 9am-Noon.
Essentially it is a big garage sale, except everything is free! Your donations of gently used clothing, household items, furniture, toys, baby things, dishware and much more, will be organized in the church foyer and sanctuary where others from the area come and take what they need free of charge.
Donated items can be dropped off at RVCC the week prior to the event, starting Tuesday, Sep. 3. Gently used items accepted for the “Give” include:
– Clothing of all types and sizes
– Housewares and working small appliances
– Furniture in good condition
– Linens of all types
– Toys, games, books
– Baby items, clothing and accessories
– Bicycles and sporting goods in working condition
– CD’s, DVD’s, cassette & video tapes
– Tools (power tools must work)
– Paper grocery bags or plastic bags w/handles
– Your time, your energy and your pickup truck!
Contact the church office with any questions you may have.
Donations are tax deductible and a donation receipt can be provided upon request.
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