Do YOU make a mean bowl of beans?
Do you ENJOY a spicy serving of soup?
Do you like to hang out with friends over a fun potluck-style lunch?
March 9 is your day! It’s RVCC’s annual Chili Cook-Off!
Last year we had 11 different chilis to sample and enjoy. Some were sweet, some were spicy, some were REALLY spicy, and there is usually a “soup alternative” for the non-chili-lovers, so there is something for everyone.
Look in the foyer after service for the sign-up sheets for both chili entries and sides/”fixin’s” and plan to stay after service March 9 for one of the most fun events of our year!
Yes, there are trophies, so you might want to start lobbying for support early! And of course the grand prize is the culinary respect (or fears!) of your peers for the next 12 months!
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