Join us Saturday, December 3 at 11am for our 2022 Women’s Christmas Tea with Cathy D.
Cathy says:
“I am excited to have this chance to minister at the women’s Christmas tea!
“I have been married to my husband Dennis for 44 1/2 years. We have a daughter and a son; both married their best friends. They have given us 7 grandchildren. Our oldest grandchild is married to Ethan Neitzell, and they made us great grandparents.
“What a wild ride we have had serving the Lord, from raising our children in the Lord, to serving in 5 different churches since 1983. Ministering to young people has a very special place in our hearts. We have worked with youth in different capacities since 1984. We began as youth directors for 2 years after rededicating our lives to the Lord in a Wesleyan church in Rice Lake, WI!
“I worked for Good Shepard Christian Academy for 11 years, and we worked with the youth group at ALC under Pastor Jon for about 10 years. I also was the youth/children’s director for 6 years at ALC.
“For the last 15 years we have worked outside the church walls ministering and teaching one on one, and with groups to whoever God sends across our path.
“My passion is to see God set the captives free and heal the broken hearted, to become all God created us to be.
“I love being with my family & friends, talking, playing games, eating burgers, having a great cup of coffee, and enjoying the outdoors in the spring, summer and fall!”
The Christmas Tea is open to all women and young ladies 13 and older. There is no charge to attend, but we will be receiving a love offering for anyone who would like to give. Please let us know of your intent to attend, either on the sign-up sheet in the foyer or by contacting the church office, no later than Sunday, November 27th.
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