January 12, 2022 we’ll be starting a new Wednesday night class, “The Bridegroom God.”

The Bridegroom God – Stirred by Jesus’ Burning Heart for the Church

When Jesus returns, He’s coming as a Bridegroom, King, and Judge, but Bridegroom will be His primary identity as He returns for His beloved. He’s a King because He is going to rule and reign with His Bride. He’s a judge because He will vindicate His Bride, deliver her from persecution, and destroy everything that hinders love. When you see the Word of God from a bridal perspective, you don’t just gain knowledge – you connect with the passionate desire of Jesus, and it will ignite a fire to seek Him with all of your heart, then you will do what He says and walk in the power of it.

THIS IS FOR MEN TOO! John the Baptist and King David, two of the manliest men who ever lived, were consumed with the bridal identity and the romance of heaven. Come be a man like they were.

Our teacher for this class is Mark K. Mark’s spiritual life was revolutionized when he embraced the bridal perspective. He has taught on the subject many times. He is a teacher at heart and an adjunct professor of Communication Studies at the University of Northwestern. He makes his living as an electrical engineering tech. He and his wife Cynthia have a passion to see people’s hearts ablaze with love and devotion to Jesus.

Our Wednesday night classes start at 6:30pm. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.



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