RVCC-Lake Elmo, MN is hosting a Church Planting Essentials course Saturdays March 7, April 4, and May 9, 2020.
We invite Pastors, Staff, Key Leaders and others interested in helping your team plant a church to join us for Church Planting Essentials (curriculum by Dynamic Church Planting International). Church Planting Essentials sessions will equip you to organize, refine and pinpoint your vision, purpose, strategies and timeline early, so that you have a clear plan for the future, use the 12 Biblical principles for church planting in everything you do, and recognize and avoid land mines such as launching too soon, choosing the wrong facility, or exhausting your launch team.
Even a small church can make a huge impact for the kingdom. Bring new life to your congregation through practical, proven principles of Daughter Church Planting.
This Training covers topics like:
• 4 phases of planting a church.
• How can I build the right church for the group God has sent me to reach?
• How do I develop a clear vision?
• 12 Principles for church planting.
• How to recognize and avoid dangers in the church planting process.
• What are the first steps for planting a church?
When: Saturdays March 7, April 4, and May 9, 2020. from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
Where: River Valley Christian Church 5900 Lake Elmo Ave. N., Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Hosted by Pastor Jon Neitzell and his staff
Registration: *$25/person [includes materials, snacks, and lunches]
*A love offering will be received for the trainers
NOTE: Registration and Payment forms below will BOTH need to be submitted, as they are two separate items.
Click both the “Submit” and “Add to Cart” buttons!!
NOTE: Registration and Payment will BOTH need to be submitted, as they are two different forms.
Click both the “Submit” and “Add to Cart” buttons!!
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