Recently RVCC was approached by an individual who was planning a tent meeting in Prescott, WI and invited to participate in the meeting. After praying about it, Pastor Jon thought that we would do just that.
The meeting will be held Saturday, September 6 from 3-6pm at Freedom Park, located at 200 Monroe St. in Prescott.
Here are the details as sent to us by Robert Larson:
• You are invited to participate in a growing grassroots effort by God’s people to bring about restoration, renewal, revival and wholeness to the Body of Christ.
• This is a free event, no denomination, church or ministry is being promoted, no donations will be taken nor will any solicitations be made.
• We will gather together to praise and worship and call upon our Heavenly Father to bring about what we so desperately need and what only He can accomplish.
Dear Fellow Laborers in the family of Jesus Christ,
I am writing today to simply share a vision that began for me nearly 25 years ago and has not in all these years diminished in its intensity. This vision I believe has tarried for “Such a Time as This”, perhaps because the need has never been greater for the Church and our nation. I believe the very fate of our nation depends upon the Church’s ability to be the hands and feet of Christ. Unfortunately, the Church is in such a state that it desperately needs God’s intervention. In short, REVIVAL.
Therefore I present this vision as Habakkuk 2:2-3 instructs me and I ask you to read and prayerfully consider what I call:
For many years I have pondered and prayed about why the church is so much different in terms of influence, impact, effectiveness as far as evangelism compared to the church we read about in the book of Acts. As I was praying the Lord led me to a scripture in the second chapter of Acts: 41-43 how the apostles preached the Gospel and thousands of souls were added to the Kingdom.
It was in the very next verse that I found the key to what I believe we are lacking.
Acts 2:44, “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common.”
Three things:
(1.) They believed
(2.) They were together
(3.) They had all things in common
In short they had Unity. Not a superficial Unity, but a very real and proactive Unity, one in Spirit and in purpose. What is the one thing that we believe, that brings us together, and w we have in common? The Apostle Paul wrote that the one thing is “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”.
Disunity and immorality has rendered the Body of Christ powerless for the most part. What can the Head do if the Body is fragmented and paralyzed? According to Psalm 133, this is what is hindering God from pouring out His Spirit and “Commanding a Blessing “on a morally bankrupted country and a nearly an apostate church. God is looking for a Body that is not fragmented but together!
So I began to ask the Lord “What is the one thing that would bring the Body of Christ together?” According to (Ephesians 4:11) “He gave some Apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ till we come into the unity of the faith…” is it not “the work of the ministry” that brings God’s people together. I have seen this every time in my Christian experience, when God’s people forget their differences and work together for the Kingdom, God commands a blessing.
In the days following the Lord began to show me a 3-year plan that would bring revival to the church and awakening to our nation.
Step One: Beginning at Prescott, Wisconsin where the Mississippi River joins Minnesota and Wisconsin by bridge and ending at New Orleans, Louisiana. Tent meetings would be conducted all along the Mississippi River where cities and towns across the river are joined by a bridge. (see map below) Some targeted cities include Prairie Du Chien, WI, Prescott, WI, Dubuque, IA, The Quad Cities, St. Louis, MO, Cairo, IL, Memphis, TN, Vicksburg , MS, and Vidalia, LA.
The tent meetings would consist of a brief multi-media presentation, worship, a message, and a time of repentance, and prayer. The message would center on 2 Chronicles chapters 5, 6, and 7.and would emphasize rededication, repentance, personal revival, intercessory prayer, and national healing.
Step Two: Working with local churches leadership we will duplicate this, in the form of evangelistic outreach within a community’s annual event or county fair. As individual believers from different churches use their gifts and talents and material resources for “the work of the ministry” God will knit their hearts together and pour His Spirit out for evangelism. Relationships will begin to form and networks will form and join like a giant web across the country. As this network increases so will resources, and the harvest will be empowered materially. As the networks “shoot out” from the interior of country, a domino effect will be caused and gain momentum across America.
The Church in America is at a pivotal point and our country is teetering on the edge of collapse. Jesus is calling for His Church to Awaken and Arise and Pray. We have a small window of time and 2014 could be the Church’s finest hour.
I believe we were born, “For Such A Time As This.”
Bob Larson
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