The Art of Marriage

When you were standing at the altar reciting your marriage vows, did you have any idea that marriage would be so complex?

It probably didn’t take you long to understand that your spouse is not as much like you as you thought. But figuring them out is more than just an equation. Marriage is more than a science; it’s an art. You begin with a blank canvas and two distinct brushes, one held by you, the other, your spouse. To create a masterpiece, you communicate, you work together, and you each add colors to enhance the overall picture. It’s what we call The Art of Marriage. Your marriage picture isn’t finished. You may just need to freshen your palette with simple principles to help you create a marriage that’s truly a work of art.

RVCC is hosting The Art of Marriage Friday evening, May 11, and Saturday, May 12, 2012. The cost is $40/couple.

The Art of Marriage consists of six video sessions and an accompanying manual that provides couples with projects to help apply the principles taught during each session. The Art of Marriage brings together some of the most respected and influential pastors and experts on marriage and family such as Al Mohler, Voddie Baucham, Crawford Loritts and Dennis Rainey all in one setting. It also brings a fresh approach to a video event by weaving together some of the following elements to help couples fully experience God’s design for marriage:

  • engaging stories
  • real-life testimonies
  • man-on-the-street interviews
  • humorous vignettes

The Art of Marriage event includes six sessions with projects:

Session 1: love happens (purpose of marriage)
God designed marriage and has a great plan in mind.
The primary purpose of marriage is to reflect God’s glory to a watching world.
It is important to receive your mate as God’s perfect gift for you.

Session 2: love fades (drift to isolation)
Couples naturally drift toward isolation.
Our differences and weaknesses push us apart.
Sin has affected every marriage.
The gospel brings healing and reconciliation
Couples must learn to walk by the power of the Holy Spirit in marriage.

Session 3: love dances (roles)
God designed different responsibilities for men and women in marriage.
Though their responsibilities are different, men and women are still equal in value.
God calls men to sacrificially love and lead their wives.
God calls women to respect and support their husbands.

Session 4: love interrupted (communication)
Conflict is common to all marriages.
The goal is not to be conflict-free but to learn to handle conflict correctly when it occurs.
Healthy conflict resolution occurs when couples are willing to seek and grant forgiveness.

Session 5: love sizzles (romance and sex)
God created sex and has a wonderful design in mind.
A satisfying sex life is the result of a satisfying marriage relationship.
The ultimate purpose of sex is to bring pleasure and glory to God.

Session 6: love always (legacy)
To leave a godly legacy, we must think about the impact of our lives on future generations.
Our hope for leaving a lasting legacy is through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Leaving a godly legacy requires putting a stake in the ground.

If you have questions about the class, contact the church office (see the “Contact Us” menu on the left side of the page), or if you would like to register and pay online use the button below.

Checkout now with PayPal!



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