The Blood Covenant – An Invitation to Intimacy; A Promise Kept
Many are familiar with blood covenant as an unbreakable promise, but that concept only scratches the surface.
Promises are kept because the participants enter into a oneness of heart – “two bodies, one soul.” This class will meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm at RVCC-Lake Elmo starting March 2 through April 6, 2022. During the class we will scour history and geography to discover the ancient practice and mindset of blood covenant. With our minds and hearts enlightened, we will begin to see blood covenant touching all the critical moments in God’s timeline. Starting with Adam and Eve, to Abraham and Moses, from Passover to the cross to the glorious return of Jesus for His lovesick bride, we will find blood covenant in it all. After this course, you will see Jesus differently, the cross differently, yourself differently, and others differently. Communion will never be the same. Come taste and see that the Lord is good, and even better than you had imagined.
Mark K has been teaching Blood Covenant and other Bible topics for twenty years and has been an adjunct professor of Communication Studies at the University of Northwestern for over ten years. He makes his living as an electrical engineering tech. He and his wife Cynthia have a passion to see people’s hearts ablaze with love and devotion to Jesus.
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