We’re holding some events specifically geared for new attendees here at RVCC-Lake Elmo.

“The First Thing” is Sunday October 4th following service. It is a first step to meet, and start getting to know the RVCC Elders and staff (as available). Chat, ask questions, and start building relationships in an easygoing non-threatening environment with light snacks available! Especially for those new(er) to the River Valley family.

“The Next Thing” will be held Sundays at noon October 18, 25, and November 1. This is also designed for new(er) attendees, and taught by Pastor Jon. It covers the history, beliefs, foundation, organization, and future of River Valley Christian Church. It is a relaxed atmosphere. You’re encouraged to bring lunch and ask questions. Contact the church office if you have questions about the class where you can ask questions…



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