This class was so well received in the spring, and enthusiastically endorsed by the participants we have brought it back on Wednesday nights @6:30 again this fall, starting August 31.

“Throughout our history, American pastors and churches have played a vital role in the establishment and preservation of religious and civil liberty. Being ‘salt and light’ requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve and influence as we fulfill the Great Commission and ‘make disciples of all nations.’ Biblical Citizenship requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us.”

In Biblical Citizenship you will:
· Learn the Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional Foundation of Freedom.
· Gain more Constitutional Knowledge than 99% of Americans
· Learn your Religious Liberty rights
· Learn Tangible Action Steps for Preserving Liberty
· Each week we will watch a video taught by constitutional experts including Rick Green and David Barton followed by a discussion and ending with prayer for our country.

The course will wrap up the week before the November elections with everyone looking into what candidates on our ballots stand for. It’s not to tell anyone how to vote, but to try to help everyone gather information so you can cast an educated ballot.

There is a Workbook available to guide you through each session including founding era documents. The cost is $20. If this isn’t in your budget and you want to attend, or if you would like more information please contact the church office.



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